20,000 CHEATERS banned from Call of Duty Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone launched Season 6 this week, with a new subway system, new skins, blueprints and more. While CoD players are certainly excited about new content, even more exciting for many is the news that Activision stepped up to ban over 20,000 cheaters from the game.

Warzone has been plagued with scumbags cheaters and the news of this ban is certainly welcome amongst many in the community. We’ve all had to suffer the kill cam of the impossible 180 laser beam to the forehead, or the blatant wall hack. This move by Activision will hopefully alleviate those problems – at least for now.

Gamers using an EngineOwning subscription were notified on September 28th that their accounts have been banned from the game. The EngineOwning website is also showing that their cheat for Warzone is ‘detected’.

The timing of this news coming along with the drop of a new season is no surprise. Up until this point Warzone’s seeming inability to handle these cheats has been a bit of a black eye. With a new Battle Pass up for sale this may give users that were ‘done’ with the game some incentive to come back into the fold and pony up the dough.

This is especially welcome news to us here at You Freaking Noob. As tournament organizers our single largest concern is a fair playing field for our competitors. While we’ve taken steps to ensure fairness – requiring PC players to stream their matches, server based reporting, smurf account detection  and more – we certainly don’t mind a little help from the game developers themselves.

Unfortunately, EngineOwning developers do not seem to be deterred. Their Site Administrator says they are ‘working on the detection’. We wish you no luck, sir. None at all.

We recently created a ‘Why You Camping’ ribbon on our site where users can upload clips of blatant campers to call them out. Should we add a ribbon for calling out cheaters? Let us know in the comments.

If you’d like to participate in a tournament, please check out the Tournaments page of our site. Tournaments range from free entry with a chance to win credit into a paid tournament, to $15 entry and a chance to win big cash payouts.

We also run contests for Best Call of Duty Clip. Got a great clip of your Call of Duty? Submit it in one of our Contests for a chance to win $100 cash!