Tips and Tricks for Submitting the Winning Clip!

We’ve reviewed the data in our Analytics and come up with some clear Tips and Tricks to help you get more views and votes on your clips. 

Length of Clip

Keep your clips to about 1 minute or less. The data in our analytics shows that a very small percentage of users will watch lengthy clips. The exceptions to this rule would be action packed montages. However, those montages seem to attract less votes than short clips that are focused on one clear event. 

Focus on the Action

If your clip has 10-20 seconds of little to no action that leads up to the actual event you were excited to share then users are likely to skip to the next video before seeing how awesome your clip actually is. Trim your clip down to focus on the action. Some of the highest voted clips have been 7-15 seconds long and were tightly focused on the action. Trim trim trim! 

Music or No Music?

Adding your favorite track as background music to your clip seems to deter voting. It might be YOUR favorite song, but it’s probably note the voter’s favorite song. 

Tell Your Friends to Vote! 

Something that has seemed pretty clear is that users that get their friends to sign up and vote seem to rise to the top. We tend to notice the clip gets views and votes fairly early after submission, so it is a bit of an assumption that they’ve had their friends come in and vote. We have a ribbon on the site that features Trending Clips. This is based on views and votes and being featured in this ribbon will attract extra eyeballs to your clip.  

Join our Discord!

We’re building our Discord community and there is no better place to announce your submission and get some eyeballs and votes for your clip! If you’re not already there all you have to do is click this link to join!

So there you have it… A few tips and tricks to help you submit clips that attract views and votes. Good luck!